Thumbs up~thumbs down for online learning?

Are dyslexic students strugglingsurviving… or thriving with online learning?

Apart from missing some of their social interactions with friends and classmates, many students report positive aspects to virtual learning platforms versus the traditional classroom setting such as:

  • Being less tired due to later start times
  • Better ability to concentrate
  • Less stressful
  • Less distractions
  • More independence
  • More time available to finish work
  • More comfortable
  • More freedom

However one thing that seems to have fallen through the cracks is student accommodations for test and exam scenarios. Understandably due to increased covid-based constraints, there are less resources available to ensure the necessary support measures for dyslexic students. Extra-time, quiet room, readers, scribes, exam coaches etc… are often no longer provided and dyslexic student’s test performance is suffering.

Have you come up with any innovative and creative ways of continuing to provide support accommodations during these increasingly constrained times?

Share your pros and cons… your best tips and strategies… to best help address the needs of dyslexic students for online learning.

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