MAXLEXIA minute…welcome!

I’d like to welcome you all to MAXLEXIA™, a place dedicated to celebrating dyslexic brilliance!

Here we will generate a dialogue about relevant topics on all things dyslexia. Sharing your own stories will spark discussions around some of the issues faced by those living with dyslexia. I can’t wait to meet you and hear about your life experiences. The struggles you’ve faced, the challenges you’ve overcome and the successes you’ve accomplished.

What makes MAXLEXIA so unique?

It will focus entirely on the emotional and psychological impacts of the dyslexic life journey.

Right now, the world is not designed to receive and see the strengths and the beauty of the dyslexic mind in a positive way. This makes me sad. I’ve witnessed so many incredible things being accomplished by my dyslexic clientele and I want the whole world to see that too. Along with all of you, I want to reboot the way dyslexia is perceived.

Together we will change the world!

Wishing you all a MAXLEXIA maxlife!

My goal is for all of you to see your strengths and celebrate your own dyslexic brilliance

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