MAXLEXIA explained

MAXLEXIA is place for celebration!

Celebrating the beauty of the dyslexic mind.

Creating MAXLEXIA™ is the culmination of my many years of work with hundreds of dyslexics…. and I want to share this with the world.

In my early years of working with adolescents and young adults, I had absolutely NO experience with dyslexia.

I believed the prevailing stereotypes about dyslexia!!! That somehow, it was a disability that impaired a person and made them unable to succeed in life OMG WELLLLL, I’ve now learned how wrong that is!

Every day I’m blown away by the sheer brilliance, creativity, academic capacity and abilities along with strength of character that I’m privileged to witness. The perseverance, resilience and incredible work ethic of my dyslexic clientele are exemplary!

Sharing the beauty and brilliance of the dyslexic mind has truly become my life’s purpose!

BUT… sadly, I have also observed a pattern in the emotional and psychological toll that living with dyslexia has on a person. The world is not set up to receive the dyslexic mind in a positive way. This leads to a myriad of challenges in school, with peers and with workplace colleagues who’ve associated many negative connotations to the word dyslexia. And THIS is exactly where MAXLEXIA comes in… The disconnect between the truth you know about yourself and your abilities versus the inability to reach your true potential in your life. This dichotomy is what leads to the emotional distress and the negative internal dialogue you have about yourself, which lasts a lifetime. So MAXLEXIA is here to recognize and celebrate dyslexic strengths, skills, traits and to share this with the world. My goal is to help guide each of you to Reboot your negative dyslexic experiences and see your strengths in order to live up to your true potential and life purpose.

Wishing you all a MAXLEXIA maxlife!

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