MAXLEXIA™ Signature Program Self-paced

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About Course

The MAXLEXIA™ Signature Program will guide you through the transformative process of deconstructing your dyslexia, rebooting it and solidly rebuilding your life.

Working at your own pace you will have all the tools necessary to complete this course.

It’s unique approach focuses on the emotional and psychological effects of living with dyslexia in a world that does not understand nor appreciate it.

  • The MAXLEXIA™ Signature Program is an online course which will walk you through the steps of deconstructing your dyslexia and solidly rebuilding your relationship with it.
  • This is a transformative life process that will guide you through the steps of addressing past negative issues with your dyslexic experiences and of rewriting your positive life script.
  • Through a series of videos, worksheets and quizzes you will embark on a 7 week life changing experience.
  • You will adress the past, let it go and move forward in a more positive way on your dyslexic life journey.
  • This will allow you to reach your true potential in all aspects of your life.
  • The result will be that you live your dyslexia as MAXLEXIA™!

You will learn to rewrite your dyslexic life journey and shine your brilliant light in the world!

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What Will You Learn?

  • Address past traumatic dyslexic experiences
  • Recognize their emotional impact on you
  • Let them GO
  • Write your defining "I remember..." story
  • Reboot your dyslexic life journey
  • Shift from negative to positive
  • Rewrite your life script
  • Celebrate your dyslexic brilliance
  • Shine your unique light in the world

Course Content

Important Introduction Information
<p>Welcome and please take a just few minutes to complete the following form regarding the MAXLEXIAâ„¢ policies. Non-compliance in submitting the form makes null and void the cancellation and refund policy.</p>

  • MAXLEXIA™ Policies Form

<p>An overview of the MAXLEXIA Signature Program</p>

Module 1~ Past Traumas
<p>The goal of this lesson is to recall and list past traumas in your dyslexic life journey and to document the emotional response these events elicited</p>

Module 2~ Self-talk and internalized messages
<p>The goal of this lesson is to recognize, acknowledge and own the messages that were internalized by the events listed in module 1. Realizing that these messages become insidious negative internal dialogue that lasts a lifetime. Once you've owned them, you will now be able to let them go!</p>

Module 3~ When did I let dyslexia hold me back?
<p>The goal os this lesson is to recognize the patterns of when you let your dyslexia hold you back personally and professionally.</p>

Module 4~ PTSD
<p>Recognizing the triggers the lead to emotional reactions and learning to defuse them.</p>

Module 5~ Your soul sings
<p>The goal of this lesson is to recognize the strengths you know in your soul, acknowledge the mixed messages and see the disconnect.</p>

Module 6~ Reboot
<p>The goal os this lesson is self-care in order to shift and change your internal dialogue</p>

Module 7~ Celebrate your true purpose!
<p>The goal of this lesson is to know your true purpose and to celebrate your own dyslexic brilliance!</p>

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