MAXLEXIA™ Educator Excellence Part 3~ How to MAXIMIZE success for dyslexic students

Categories: Dyslexia, Education, Teaching
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About Course

The MAXLEXIA™ Educator Excellence Series is created to help all educational professionals be able to Recognize, Optimize and Maximize their work with dyslexic students.

Watching any student struggle and lose confidence in themselves is truly heartbreaking. All teachers wish to be able to effectively reach every student in their classroom. MAXLEXIA™ is unique in its approach as it also addresses the often overlooked emotional and psychological aspects of living with dyslexia.

With minimal training in dyslexia provided by traditional teacher certification, many educators are left without the necessary tools and resources to best support their dyslexic students.

The MAXLEXIA™ Educator Excellence online series of courses is specifically designed to fill those gaps.

Unit 1~ “How to RECOGNIZE dyslexic students”

Unit 2~ “How to OPTIMIZE teaching students with dyslexia”

Unit 3~ “How to MAXIMIZE success for dyslexic students” explores the reasons for the disconnect between ability and outcome for dyslexic students and looks at ways to reboot and reconnect this gap through alternate formative and summative assessment formats.

Completing all three units in the Educator Excellence course will give teachers the information and the skills necessary to guide every dyslexic student to academic success and to reach their full potential!

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What Will You Learn?

  • How to reconnect the disconnect between abilities and outcomes
  • Building a repertoire of alternate formative and summative assessment formats
  • Building a repertoire of accommodations
  • Sharing the brilliance you've seen in your dyslexic students
  • Celebrating dyslexic brilliance!

Course Content

Important Introduction Information

  • Maxlexia™Policies Form

Welcome to the MAXLEXIA™ Educator Excellence Series

INTRODUCTION~ What is dyslexia?

Unit 3: MAXIMIZE- Module 1~ Freeze and Fail

Unit 3: MAXIMIZE- Module 2~ Show what you Know

Unit 3: MAXIMIZE- Module 3~ Celebrate!

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