
Thumbs up~thumbs down for online learning?

Are dyslexic students struggling… surviving… or thriving with online learning? Apart from missing some of their social interactions with friends and classmates, many students report positive aspects to virtual learning platforms versus the traditional classroom setting such as: Being less tired due to later start times Better ability to concentrate Less stressful Less distractions More

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Live your Dreams!

Are you stuck in your life? Truly stuck? Try this… Think of the things you desire to BE in your life Think of the things you desire to DO in your life Think of the things you desire to HAVE in your life Now complete the following sentence, “But I can never BE that or

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Dyslexia Warrior Wisdom

Proud to call myself one of these!! Thankful for all my dyslexic peeps who opened my eyes by shining and sharing their dyslexic brilliance!! I am grateful to be on this journey and I am blessed everyday to meet so many amazing people doing incredible work in the dyslexic community Share YOUR Dyslexia Warrior Wisdom

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Back to school Dyslexianxiety

School can be very difficult place to go when you are dyslexic! In a normal world, back to school brings with it many triggers that elicit stress and anxiety in students with dyslexia. Numerous academic experiences where a child has been ridiculed by peers or has continually failed, leads to trauma that has crushing implications

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Challenge equals change

Transformation of education is on the horizon For most dyslexic students… this is really GOOD news!!! As difficult as these times are… challenge always leads to change. I am foreseeing many dramatic and exciting possibilities for transformation in education in the near future. As frightening as that can be, we cannot remain complacent, we must

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What are your dyslexic strengths?

When someone gets a dyslexia diagnosis, they are often told “Einstein was dyslexic” With the intention of reassuring them that despite your dyslexia you can still be intelligent… Very TRUE, however… let’s shift the dialogue… It’s not despite your dyslexia but rather because of your dyslexia that you are brilliant in unique ways! How are

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MAXLEXIA™ minute, Humor

The key components of the MAXLEXIA™ Signature Program include the seven self-care tools HUMOR~ def. a funny or amusing quality Jamie Oliver perfectly illustrated humor in his latest episode of “Keep Cooking and Carry On” He was preparing for his daughter’s birthday party, so he was busy with all the cooking and baking BUT… He

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MAXLEXIA Flashback Triggers

As I sit here finalizing The Maxlexia™ Signature Program while putting the finishing touches on the PTSD module of the course, I received the following words from a former dyslexic client who was having flashback emotions as she was dealing with a post secondary educational institution… “I want to come and help you with your

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MAXLEXIA explained

MAXLEXIA is place for celebration! Celebrating the beauty of the dyslexic mind. Creating MAXLEXIA™ is the culmination of my many years of work with hundreds of dyslexics…. and I want to share this with the world. In my early years of working with adolescents and young adults, I had absolutely NO experience with dyslexia. I

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MAXLEXIA minute…welcome!

I’d like to welcome you all to MAXLEXIA™, a place dedicated to celebrating dyslexic brilliance! Here we will generate a dialogue about relevant topics on all things dyslexia. Sharing your own stories will spark discussions around some of the issues faced by those living with dyslexia. I can’t wait to meet you and hear about

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