Be the “ONE” to SEE a dyslexic student

School is often a very difficult place to be for students with dyslexia. Despite being of normal to far above normal intelligence, they have a chronic history of failure in school.

This disconnect is as a result of many layers including lack of early intervention and diagnosis, ineffective methods of assessment, no access to appropriate targeted support and not being provided the prescribed accommodations for test-taking scenarios.

The long-lasting emotional and psychological repercussions of these experiences can lead to crushed self-esteem and self-confidence.

One of the most effective and easiest ways a devoted teacher can help change the lives of their students with dyslexia is….

to be the ONE person who finally “sees” them and recognizes their dyslexic brilliance!

Once you begin to see their light and reflect it back to them, they begin to see it for themselves.

This, along with support for any academic challenges will be truly transformative

Students with dyslexia will begin to:

  • Realize that they are not stupid
  • That they are in fact intelligent
  • That they are capable of academic and personal success!!

The following are just some of the examples of the monumental changes that can happen for a dyslexic student when you say to them…

“I see you” “I hear you” I’ve learned from you”

Mom: “I thought I’d share this since you have contributed to her success lol happy Valentine’s Day!”
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