
Lori is passionate about helping everyone live a MAXLEXIA maxlife!

“Getting to the 💜 of Mathlexia” MasterClass Parent Edition

https://media.blubrry.com/maxlexia/content.blubrry.com/maxlexia/Mathlexia_Parent_Edition_MasterClass_Overview.mp4The hardest thing for a parent to watch is their child struggling in school These early academic challenges can crush a child’s self-esteem and self-confidence The Mathlexia MasterClass “Getting to the 💜 of Mathlexia” was designed specifically to help parents navigate this emotional journey with their child This video is an overview of the MasterClass

“Getting to the 💜 of Mathlexia” MasterClass Parent Edition Read More »

The Importance of Summer Break for Students with Diverse Learning Styles

Taking a break in the summer is important for everyone!!! It’s essential for students with diverse learning styles By the end of the school year they can be exhausted physically, mentally and certainly emotionally Taking the time to recharge over the summer months allows them to be prepared to embark on the new school year

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For many students with dyslexia the school year and final exams are a long and gruelling process… They can be totally drained at this point in the year and really need the summer vacation time to decompress and to recharge for the next academic year. Sending a student like this directly into summer school for

Summertime… Read More »

AI~ Takeoff…

Here we go!!! AI is here to stay…how will we steer our way through for the best outcomes? Here is an AI generated list of the benefits of AI: Overall, AI has the potential to revolutionize various industries and improve the quality of life for individuals. And an AI generated list of potential problems: While

AI~ Takeoff… Read More »

blossom blur close up dandelion

The Winds of Change

The winds of change are planting the seeds… Things are gaining momentum and moving in the right direction to bring important changes to the academic setting for students with dyslexia! Let’s all continue to be dyslexia warriors and Maxlexia™ mentors Together we WILL change the world!!!

The Winds of Change Read More »

EdEx “How to RECOGNIZE dyslexic students”

Thrilled to announce the launch of the Maxlexia™ “Educator Excellence Series” A comprehensive 3-part series Part 1 “How to Recognize dyslexic students” is now available Finally the information, techniques and strategies for teachers to help reach their dyslexic students Stay tuned for part 2 “How to Optimize classroom approaches for dyslexic students?” and part 3

EdEx “How to RECOGNIZE dyslexic students” Read More »

The cure for Dyscalculia

This is MY area of expertise… math and dyslexia and dyscalculia. I have discovered that the magical “cure” for dyscalculia can be found with the assistive technology of a CALCULATOR. Students with dyslexia and dyscalculia often have poor number sense which can affect many aspects of their performance in math. With early access and proper

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An Invitation

Loading…This is your invitation…an invitation to add your voice to the dyslexia dialogue. By participating in the SURVEY “Dyslexia and the academic experience” your voice will be heard and shared with educators and beyond. Let’s change the way the world perceives dyslexia! Together we will change the world…

An Invitation Read More »

Q&A Maxlexia Minute “How to stand up and advocate for your dyslexic child?”

If you suspect your child may have dyslexia or they have been flagged at school, what next… There are a few things that will help your child and the earlier they are set in place, the better the outcome. Inform yourself about dyslexia Find local resources in your area that support dyslexia Research schools that

Q&A Maxlexia Minute “How to stand up and advocate for your dyslexic child?” Read More »

Q&A Maxlexia Minute “How do I tell my child they have dyslexia?”

Some common questions in dyslexia forums on social media include “Should I have my child assessed for dyslexia?” “Should I have y child labeled for life as dyslexic?” “What do I tell my child about dyslexia?” “What do I tell my child’s school about dyslexia?” “Will my child succeed in life with dyslexia?” Let’s answer

Q&A Maxlexia Minute “How do I tell my child they have dyslexia?” Read More »

The MAXLEXIA Mindset

For the New Year, let’s all embrace the MAXLEXIA mindset!! What is The “Maxlexia Mindset”? Reboot the way you perceive your dyslexic life journey See your dyslexia as Maxlexia, where everything is possible Shed the emotional impact of past negative dyslexic experiences Re-write the script of your inner dialogue and define yourself by your dyslexic

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Walking alongside my peeps as I see and reflect their light back to them until they begin to see it shine for themselves… This week has brought me the gift of a client from two years ago who has completed treatment in a wilderness program and is now living every day in peace and joy!

“Accompagnare” Read More »

Maxlexia Goals #2021

A few goals for 2021: Finish the rest of my online course and coaching packages Continue to grow the Maxlexia community through social media Post podcast recordings that were completed before lockdown Record many more dyslexic life journeys once we can safely resume in person Continue to be a Maxlexia warrior and advocate for all

Maxlexia Goals #2021 Read More »

Yes, you CAN!

If you have dyslexia… Yes, you CAN!!! Yes, you CAN release the emotions related to early traumatic academic experiences! Yes, you CAN rewrite the script of your inner dialogue! Yes, you CAN define yourself in your own words, that you know in your soul to be the truth of who you are! Yes, you CAN

Yes, you CAN! Read More »

Thumbs up~thumbs down for online learning?

Are dyslexic students struggling… surviving… or thriving with online learning? Apart from missing some of their social interactions with friends and classmates, many students report positive aspects to virtual learning platforms versus the traditional classroom setting such as: Being less tired due to later start times Better ability to concentrate Less stressful Less distractions More

Thumbs up~thumbs down for online learning? Read More »

The Wall

I hit the Wall… The pandemic Wall… The first step in any life transformation begins when we hit a wall. A place where you’re suffering and living with the emotions of past experiences. We need to move through the wall in order to move forward and that is when we can evolve and grow. In

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Take the first step

https://media.blubrry.com/maxlexia/content.blubrry.com/maxlexia/MAXLEXIA_FaceBook_LIVE_.mp4I invite you to challenge yourself to take the first step up the mountain of transforming your dyslexic life journey. Here’s my FaceBook live where I explain The MAXLEXIA™ Signature Program which will guide you through the process of releasing the emotional impact of past traumatic dyslexic experiences. You will be given the tools to

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