A dyslexic life journey, Juliette’s story

In her own words, listen to Juliette’s story which takes us through her academic journey. Even though everyone’s story is unique… there is also a common dyslexic narrative when it comes to school experiences.

Juliette has persevered through many challenges and triumphs.

Most recently, she recieved a final calculus grade of 96% which earned her a place on the Dean’s list in college!! 🙂

Academic success can be optimized in dyslexic students with:

  • an early dyslexia diagnosis
  • appropriate targeted support in and out of school
  • test and exam taking accommodations
  • alternate forms of formative and summative assessments

And MOST importantly for students with dyslexia…

maintaining their self-confidence and self-esteem allowing them to celebrate their dyslexic brilliance!!!

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